Delmar Quotes Asbout Baptism From O Brother Where Art Thou

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) Poster



  • Ulysses Everett McGill : What'd the devil give you lot for your soul, Tommy?

    Tommy Johnson : Well, he taught me to play this here guitar real skilful.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Oh son, for that you lot sold your everlasting soul?

    Tommy Johnson : Well, I wasn't usin' it.

  • Pete : Wait a minute. Who elected yous leader of this outfit?

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Well Pete, I figured information technology should be the one with the capacity for abstract thought. But if that ain't the consensus view, so hell, let's put it to a vote.

    Pete : Suits me. I'm voting for yours truly.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Well I'm voting for yours truly too.

    [Everett and Pete look at Delmar for the deciding vote]

    Delmar O'Donnell : Okay... I'thou with you fellas.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : You work for the railroad, Grampa?

    Blind Seer : I work for no man.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Got a name, do you?

    Blind Seer : I have no name.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Well, that right there may exist the reason you've had difficulty findin' gainful employment. You see, in the mart of competitive commerce...

  • Pete : Well I'll be a sonofabitch. Delmar's been saved.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Well that's it, boys. I've been redeemed. The preacher's washed warshed away all my sins and transgressions. It'south the straight and narrow from here on out, and heaven everlasting's my reward.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Delmar, what are you talking nearly? We've got bigger fish to fry.

    Delmar O'Donnell : The preacher says all my sins is warshed away, including that Piggly Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : I thought you said you was innocent of those charges?

    Delmar O'Donnell : Well I was lyin'. And the preacher says that that sin's been warshed away too. Neither God nor man'south got nothin' on me at present. C'mon in boys, the h2o is fine.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : Intendance for some gopher?

    Ulysses Everett McGill : No thank yous, Delmar. A 3rd of a gopher would only agitate my appetite without beddin' 'er dorsum down.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Oh, you tin have the whole thing. Me and Pete already had one apiece. Nosotros ran across a whole... gopher hamlet.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : Can't you see it, Everett? Them sirens did this to Pete. They loved him upwardly and turned him into a... horny toad. Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete! Pete. It'south me - Delmar. Everett...

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Delmar. What the...

    Delmar O'Donnell : What are we gonna practise?

    Ulysses Everett McGill : I'one thousand not certain that's Pete.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Of course it's Pete. Look at him.

  • Pete : The Preacher said it absolved united states.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : For him, not for the constabulary. I'm surprised at you, Pete, I gave you credit for more brains than Delmar.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Merely they was witnesses that seen us redeemed.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : That'south not the issue Delmar. Even if that did put you square with the Lord, the State of Mississippi's a little more difficult-nosed.


    Ulysses Everett McGill : Baptism! Yous 2 are simply dumber than a bag of hammers!

  • Ulysses Everett McGill : You can't display a toad in a fine restaurant similar this! Why, the proficient folks here would get right off the feed!

    Delmar O'Donnell : I merely don't recall information technology's right keeping him under wraps like we's aback of him.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Well, if it is Pete, I am ashamed of him! Way I see it, he got what he deserved, fornicating with some whore of Babylon. These things don't happen for no reason, Delmar. It'southward evidently some kinda judgment on his character.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Well, the ii of us was fixin' to fornicate!

  • Ulysses Everett McGill : The treasure is all the same at that place boys, believe me.

    Delmar O'Donnell : But how'd he know about the treasure?

    Ulysses Everett McGill : I don't know Delmar. The bullheaded are reputed to possess sensitivities compensating for their lack of sight, fifty-fifty to the point of developing paranormal psychic powers. Now, clearly seeing into the future would autumn into neatly into that category; its non so surprising then that an organism deprived of its earthly vision...

    Pete : He said we wouldn't get become information technology. He said we wouldn't get the treasure we seek on account of our ob-stac-les.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Well what the hell does he know, he's just an ignorant erstwhile human being?

  • Delmar O'Donnell : Gopher, Everett?

  • George Nelson : Cows! I detest cows worse than coppers!

    [fires his Tommy gun at them]

    Delmar O'Donnell : Oh, George... not the livestock.

  • George Nelson : [after Nelson has robbed the bank] Thanks folks! And remember, Jesus saves, but George Nelson withdraws!


    George Nelson : Go fetch the car voiture, Pete.

    Woman In Bank : [whispering] Is that "Babyface" Nelson?

    George Nelson : Who said that?


    George Nelson : What ignorant, low downward, slanderizin, son of a bitch said that?

    [goes up to woman]

    George Nelson : My name is George Nelson, get me?

    Delmar O'Donnell : She didn't mean nothin by it, George.

    George Nelson : [noticeably upset] George Nelson! Not "Babyface"! You think, and you lot tell your friends! I'yard George Nelson! Born to heighten hell!

    [Nelson points his Tommy Gun towards the ceiling and fires it, and the bank patrons jump]

  • [singing]

    Ulysses Everett McGill : I am a man of constant sorrow, I've seen trouble all my days. I bid goodbye to old Kentucky, the place where I was built-in and raised.

    Delmar O'Donnell , Pete : The place where he was born and raised.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : For half dozen long years I've been in trouble, no pleasure here on Earth I've plant. For in this world I'g bound to ramble, I have no friends to help me out.

    Delmar O'Donnell , Pete : He has no friends to help him out.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Maybe your friends think I'one thousand just a stranger, my face you never will see no more. But there is one promise that is given, I'll meet y'all on God's golden shore.

    Delmar O'Donnell , Pete : He'll meet yous on God's aureate shore.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : I'k gonna visit those foreclosing son-of-a-guns at the Indianola Savings & Loan, slap that money on the barrelhead and buy back the family subcontract. You ain't no kind of homo if you ain't got state.

  • Pete : Well hell, it ain't square one! Own't nobody gonna selection up 3 filthy, unshaved hitch-hikers, and one of them a know-it-all that can't keep his trap shut.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Pete, the personal rancor reflected in that remark I don't intend to dignify with annotate. Just I would similar to address your general attitude of hopeless negativism. Consider the lilies of the goddamn field or... hell! Accept at look at Delmar hither as your paradigm of promise.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Yeah, look at me.

  • Ulysses Everett McGill : Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female person Delmar, remember that ane simple precept and your time with me will not have been sick spent.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Ok, Everett.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Striking by a train! Truth means zip to a adult female, Delmar. Triumph of the subjective. You lot ever been with a woman?

    Delmar O'Donnell : Well, I... I... I gotta get the family farm back before I can outset thinking about that.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : That's right, if and then. Believe me Delmar, woman is the most fiendish instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of homo.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : We idea you was a toad!

    Pete : What?

    Delmar O'Donnell : [leaning in, speaking slower] We thought you lot was a toad!

  • Pete : Crazy! No i'southward ever gonna believe we're a real ring.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : No, it's gonna work. I simply gotta get close enough to talk to her. Takin' off with us has got more than future than marryin' a guy named Waldrip. I'one thousand Goddamned bona fide!

    Delmar O'Donnell : Everett, my beard itches.

  • Ulysses Everett McGill : [riding by a chain gang, Everett and Delmar see Pete] Pete got a brother?

    Delmar O'Donnell : Not that I'one thousand aware.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Heat must be getting to me.

  • Washington Hogwallop : Mrs. Hogwallop upwardly and R-U-Northward-Northward-O-F-T.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : She musta been lookin' for answers.

    Washington Hogwallop : Possibly. Proficient riddance every bit far as I'yard concerned. I do miss her cookin' though.

    Delmar O'Donnell : This stew's atrocious good.

    Washington Hogwallop : [examining his fork] You call back so? I slaughtered this horse concluding Tuesday... I'thousand afraid she'due south startin' to turn.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : Them syreens did this to Pete. They loved him upwardly and turned him into a horny toad.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : Friend? Some of your foldin' money'south come unstowed.

  • Ulysses Everett McGill : I'm not sure that'due south Pete.

    Delmar O'Donnell : Of class it's Pete! Look at him!... We gotta detect some kind of wizard to alter him back.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : Jacking upwards banks. I can see how a fella'd derive a whole lot of pleasure and satisfaction out of it.

  • Big Dan Teague : Thanks for the conversational hiatus. I generally refrain from speech durin' gustation. I find it course and vulgar. Where were nosotros?

    Delmar O'Donnell : Makin' money in the service of the Lord.

    Big Dan Teague : Heh, you don't say much, friend, merely when you do, information technology's to the bespeak and I salute you for information technology!

  • Pappy O'Daniel : Furthermore, in the second Pappy O'Daniel assistants, these boys is gonna exist my *encephalon* trust.

    Delmar O'Donnell : What's that mean, Everett?

  • Delmar O'Donnell : Everett, I never figured you for a paterfamilias.

    Ulysses Everett McGill : Oh-ho, yes, I take spread my seed.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : They... left... his... centre!

  • Delmar O'Donnell : Hey mister! I don't mean to exist tellin' tales out of school, merely in that location's a feller in in that location that'll pay you ten dollars if you sing into his tin.

  • Ulysses Everett McGill : Jesus! Tin I count on you lot people?

    Delmar O'Donnell : Sorry, Everett.

  • Delmar O'Donnell : where'south the happy piddling tire swing?


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