THQ Faces NASDAQ Delisting


THQ has been given 180 days to get its share damage to at to the lowest degree $1 or facing delisting from the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations stock exchange.

It's a clammy tale. One daylight you'Ra on top of the humanity, devising truckloads of money cranking out licensed videogames supported profitable Disney franchises, and the incoming you've got people banging on your threshold and cloudy to kick in you off the NASDAQ. That's the situation at THQ, which was warned today that IT has 180 days to get its share price to a minimum of $1 so keep IT there for tenner consecutive days.

It doesn't effectual alike an overly lofty destination but the publisher has a recollective elbow room to go to become there. Finally check it was trading at just a hair finished 67 cents, down from over $36 back in mid-2007. It actually came into the final quarter of 2011 at around the $2 mark, but past crashed to its latest state in earlyish December. The company latterly announced that it would get down out of the licensed spirited business in order to focus on its core franchises, but those plans could be hampered by a potentially crushing mid-class cash shortfall.

There are still options for THQ if it fails to meet the NASDAQ's demands within the allotted clip. It could meld its shares in a overthrow stock split to ready them more valuable, a summons Gamasutra described as "expensive, time consuming and embarrassing," or it could try to convince the NASDAQ that IT has an effective turn-roughly plan in place but of necessity more time to execute it. Whatever happens, it seems like shake-bottom is tranquilize waiting to be come to – but it's coming up pretty flying.

Source: Gamasutra


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